
Showing posts from March, 2020

What is Traction Alopecia?

Traction Alopecia: A Beginner’s Guide Traction alopecia term is a form of gradual hair loss due to pulling forces applied to the hair.  This commonly results from certain hairstyles such as braids, tight ponytails and pigtails.   African American females are more commonly noted to have traction alopecia, though all genders and races can be affected.  Certain professional and work choices may also be more commonly affected depending on the nature of how the hair must be worn.  Gymnasts, swimmers, and tennis players are particularly prone with the hair pulled back.    What Causes Traction Alopecia? Traction alopecia can be caused by repetitive stress resulting from tight hairstyles.  This includes braids, weaves, cornrows, tight pony-tails, heavy locks, hair rollers. The constant tug on the hair causes damage to the hair follicles.   Long term repeated stress can scar the follicles leading to gradual and even permanent hai...

What is NeoGraft?

NeoGraft ® hair restoration is the most advanced  hair transplant NJ  technique and is FDA approved as the first automated and minimally-invasive technique for hair loss treatment. NeoGraft ®  allows doctors to transplant hair follicles from healthy, growing regions into balding areas. The hair then continues to grow normally at these new sites restoring a natural look. The difference with NeoGraft ® from older techniques is that hair follicles are individually extracted and transplanted to needed regions using a patented, minimally-invasive technique.   Instead of removing sections of the scalp to harvest hair follicles, a hand-held device provides pneumatic pressure to remove donor hair follicles individually without any scalpels. This minimizes the risk of injury to donor hair follicles which are finite and valuable sources for successful hair transplants.    The process takes 4-8 hours depending on the scale of the procedure and is done completely wit...